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Unieuro 3DS Animal Crossing New Leaf:
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo Selects is a game for the Nintendo 3DS and 2DS systems. This updated version of Animal Crossing: New Leaf adds in support for all Animal Crossing series amiibo figures and cards! By tapping these amiibo, players can invite villagers to come live on their island, obtain special furniture, or receive fun daily rewards.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo is a life simulation video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS handheld console. Unlock new characters, gameplay, furniture & more with Animal Crossing amiibo figures & cards from select series. Customize your villagers with unique personalities and interests! Give them catchphrases to share, trade play coins for special items & more!
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo Selects is a game for the Nintendo 3DS and 2DS systems. This updated version of Animal Crossing: New Leaf adds in support for all Animal Crossing series amiibo figures and cards! By tapping these amiibo, players can invite villagers to come live on their island, obtain special furniture, or receive fun daily rewards.
- Select amiibo cards and figures will unlock special NPCs - new villagers who can move in, or returning villagers from previous games - New Leaf: Welcome amiibo also introduces thecampground, where you can interact with RV-owning animals who come to visit your town - Use your Farmer's Journal to keep track of all the new fruit, bugs, fish andDepth Chart additions in this update
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo is a life simulation video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS handheld console. Unlock new characters, gameplay, furniture & more with Animal Crossing amiibo figures & cards from select series. Customize your villagers with unique personalities and interests! Give them catchphrases to share, trade play coins for special items & more!
Scopri il prezzo tramite i nostri partners. Bestseller in Giochi per Nintendo 3DS e 2DS
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Prezzo: 29,99 €
Sconto: 0,90 €
Unieuro 3DS Animal Crossing New Leaf:
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Sconto: 0,60 €
Euronics 3DS Animal Crossing New Leaf:
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Prezzo: 29,99 €
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